Ronstadt Revival
A funny thing happened when Ronstadt Revival featuring Shannon Rae performed at the Lobero last night (9/14/24). After her second number, Ms. Rae confidentially told the audience they could ignore management’s request not to photograph or take videos of the artists. “Go ahead and take your pictures and share them on your social media account. Just put your phone down for a minute from time to time to enjoy the music.” Obviously, unlike actual stars, she was looking for publicity. But unlike usual audiences, the mature folks who had come out for this cover band, either didn’t have social media accounts or couldn’t care less about advertising their attendance. I didn’t see a single iPhone raised to take a picture all night. Later, she gave us a choice for audience participation: we could wave our arms in the air or raise our flashlights. The arms won.
As for the show itself, the music was good, the patter phony. Ms. Rae’s attempt to dress and wear her hair a la Ronstadt was lame, and she had no authentic stage presence of her own. If “How’re you doin’, Santa Barbara?!” is the best you can do to relate to the crowd, better not try. The songs were well played and fun to hear–”Different Drum” and “Desperado,” especially–but I probably would have enjoyed them more if I had kept my eyes closed.