New York Notes

Three days in Manhattan in early June gave me a chance to randomly check out galleries and museums – never time enough for all I wanted to see, but enough to provide some insight and inspiration. Far and away the highlight was the Otto Dix retrospective at the Neue Gallerie, both for the power of […]

Glazing at the MIA

Oftimes when touring a special exhibition I will be asked by a visitor, “Why does this painting have glass over it?” and my answer is always, as we were taught, “Good question.” In so many ways, glass on a painting distracts and detracts from the museum visitor’s experience of the artwork. First, depending on the […]

On Visiting Houston

The docent told me that the Museum of Fine Arts Houston (MFAH) has recently become the 16th largest museum in the country. I assume the rankings are for art museums and are based on size of collection, but she wasn’t sure. MFAH’s literature speaks of 60,000 objects, whereas its catalogue from 2000 mentions 40,000. Size […]

Art Sights of Sicily

            Our eight-day visit to Malta and Sicily was co-sponsored by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, so it stands to reason that art would be a major focus of our trip, at least when we weren’t on board the magnificent schooner Sea Cloud. These are among the memories:             1. Valley of Temples, Agrigento. We […]

Kandinsky & O’Keeffe

How instructive, and what a pleasure, to view back-to-back, at the Whitney and the Guggenheim, respectively, shows of abstract art by Georgia O’Keeffe and Vasily Kandinsky! Kandinsky was arguably the first abstract painter, and O’Keeffe, over in backward America, was not far behind. Most interestingly, both came to abstract art through music. It sounds obvious […]