Weiner – 7

1. Why would anyone let documentary filmmakers into their private lives when the backdrop is a national scandal?

2. Why would they let the filming continue when a new scandal erupts and all your relationships are under major stress?

3. That said, I couldn’t help but feel sympathy for ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner who – major foible aside – seemed smart, reasonable and trying to do his best, mainly because

4. The press came off as badly as in all the fictional films where I feel they are being unfairly characterized: camera trucks on the lawn, etc.

5. Did Weiner really want and intend to fight for the little guy, or is that just a line to get elected? And which is the case for Hillary, and every other politician who says the same thing?

In short, this was a provocative movie to watch during election season, both for what it suggests about the people running for office and the way the electorate gets its information. As a study in narcissism, it is merely a primer for what we are seeing with Donald Trump.

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